How do you get your butt looking its best? Glute exercises are important in shaping and sculpting the booty, but only if you’re doing the right ones! This article will detail 7 cable exercises for glutes that will get your butt toned and lifted. These glute cable exercises are also great to maintain strength and tone once you’ve achieved your goal of sculpting buttocks. Many people end up losing muscle tone after they’ve achieved their goal physique, so be sure to incorporate glute exercises into your fitness routine at least twice a week!
Cable Kickbacks
Let’s start with Cable Kickbacks, one of the best cable glute exercises.
How to do it:-
1)- When the cable is in the low position with one end on the floor, stand in front of it with the foot closest to the machine to be lifted on a slight bend in the knee.
2)- Squat down, using hands to brace yourself if needed.
3)- Now, Pull the cable toward you as you bend your leg, squeezing your hamstrings as you do so.
4)- When you are standing up tall again with the cable still pulled toward you, let go of it before taking a step back into the first position and repeat for desired reps.
Repeat with opposite leg.
Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
Cable Hip Abduction

This Cable Glute Workout helps to activate the muscles around the hips by taking them through their full range of motion.
How to do it:-
1)- Attach a cable to a low pulley and stand with one foot in front of the other about shoulder-width apart.
2)- Move the cable between your legs, so that it is just below your knee on the bent leg side, from an outside to inside position.
3)- Extend the leg on the inside of the cable over until you feel a gentle stretch in front of the extended leg.
4)- Make sure to keep both knees slightly bent as you do this, trying not to overextend or lock out either knee joint.
Repeat 10-12 times, then switch legs.
Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
Cable sumo deadlift high pull
The cable sumo deadlift high full is one of the best cable exercises for butt.
How to do it:-
1)- To do a Cable sumo deadlift high pull, step in to the left side of the machine.
2)- Grab onto the handles with both hands and lean back so you are standing tall, then push through your right heel to stand up straight.
3)- When your upper body is upright, lift one foot off the ground while bending down at an angle to pick up a weight (make sure to bring it high enough that it is level with your midsection).
4)- Return back up to starting position by leaning forward slightly at the waist until you are fully upright. Finish by returning back to start position. Repeat on other side.
Do a total of 10 to 15 reps, then switch sides.
Cable seated abductions
How to do it:-
1)- To do Cable seated abductions, attach a long straight bar to the low pulley.
2)- Stand facing the machine with feet shoulder-width apart.
3)- Use a light weight on one side of the machine.
4)- Start by pulling the weight towards you with straight arms while bending at the hips to keep lower back in its natural arch.
5)- Try not to hunch or round shoulders forward as you return to start position by contracting glute muscles and extending hips, knees, and ankles until thighs are parallel to floor.
Do 12-15 reps, then switch sides. Repeat both sides 3 times.
Cable standing single leg hip abduction
A Cable standing single leg hip abduction is a great glute exercise with cables.
How to do it:-
1)- Set up the cable machine at chest height to stabilize yourself
2)- Stand on one leg in front of the machine and pull the lever to bring the pulley out towards you. Stand tall while lifting the weight out.
3)- From here lean away from the weight as you flex your foot in to keep it stabilized under you and push the heel up, back and towards the ceiling.
4)- Extend all of your limbs before returning to starting position.
When you complete 12 reps, switch sides before completing the second set of 12 reps on each side.
Single leg hamstring curl with cable machine
Single leg hamstring curl with cable machine is a great cable exercise for glutes.
How to do it:-
1)- Sit at the end of the bench, face away from the weight stack
2)- Hold on to either side of the support bar (ensure to have it in front of you before starting)
3)- Place one foot on top or in front of the other foot near or under the weight stack.
4)- Let your back heel stretch down toward gravity as much as possible by lowering your hips below knee height.
5)- Push up with your toes and press through the heel of your working leg to curl up until you feel a contraction in your hamstrings.
Pause for 1-2 seconds then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times per set, 3 sets max.
Standing rear delt fly with cables
Here is how to do a Standing rear delt fly with cables:
1)- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
2)- Bend at the waist, keeping arms stretched in front of the body.
3)- Hold cable straps at a 45 degree angle, hands about chest high.
4)- Slowly pull back on the cable straps until you feel tension on your shoulders, then release.
Repeat for 12 reps and switch sides after every set
These glute exercises with cables are a great way to change up your routine. Once you master these exercises, be sure to switch it up by trying other variations! It’s also a good idea to perform these workouts on their own days so you can focus on form and complete each workout without overdoing it. While not the most aesthetically pleasing of the glute exercise variations, cable machine workout provides an opportunity to really isolate one area of the glutes at a time while leaving other areas inactive. The result is well-defined, lifted buns with a more streamlined appearance. So if building better-shaped glutes is high on your list of goals, give these cable glutes workouts a try!